The Child Care Law Center stands with child care providers and families, many of whom are immigrants. If people need an immigration attorney, individual or general legal advice on an immigration matter, they can use the below resources to find an immigration attorney.
The Child Care Law Center (CCLC) is a statewide legal support center only operating in California. CCLC staff are not immigration attorneys, and cannot provide immigration legal advice or represent individuals in legal immigration matters.
CCLC attorneys practice California child care law, specifically related to 1) housing rights of California family child care providers, 2) child care subsidy rights of California families, and 3) disability rights of children in child care settings.
The sharing of this information below does not create an attorney-client relationship between CCLC and individuals seeking this information, nor does it constitute Child Care Law Center offering legal advice.
Below is a list of resources by topic from statewide and nationwide organizations that support immigrant families, child care providers, and individuals.
Individual Legal Advice and Resources
- National Immigrant Law Project:
- Phone: (213) 639-3900 or (510) 663-8282
- Email:
- National Immigration Legal Services Directory
- American Immigration Lawyers Association, Immigration Lawyer Search
- National Immigration Help Search
Child Care Programs
- Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP):
- Public Counsel:
- California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice:
- California Rapid Response Networks, Community Resources and Hotline Numbers
General Rights
- Americans Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):
- Know Your Rights: Immigrants’ Rights
- English
- (Arabic) العَرَبِيَّة
- 中文(简) (Chinese)
- Creole
- فارسی (Farsi)
- Français (French)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- 한국어 (Korean)
- Português (Portuguese)
- Soomaali (Somali)
- Español (Spanish)
- Tagalog
- (Urdu) اُردُو
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
- हिंदी (Hindi)
- (Traditional Chinese) 繁體中文
- (Simplified Chinese) 简体中文
- Information for folks who are Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients – Know Your Rights: Dreamers (DACA)
- Information for folks who live within 100 miles of the U.S. border – Know Your Rights 100 Mile Border Zone
- Video – Immigrants’ Rights: What to do if stopped
- Know Your Rights: Stopped by Policy, Immigration Agents, or FBI
- Know Your Rights: Immigrants’ Rights
- Chinese for Affirmative Action:
- Immigration Center for Women and Children:
- Immigration Defense Project:
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center:
- National Immigration Law Center:
Workplace Rights
- Legal Aid at Work:
- English – “Your Rights If Immigration Shows Up at Work: Workplace Raids and Audits”
- Spanish – “Sus derechos si Inmigración aparece en el trabajo: Redadas y auditorías en el lugar de trabajo”
- Chinese – 如果移民局在工作场所出现,您的权利:工作场所突袭和审计
- English – Undocumented Workers’ Guide to Applying for California Disability Insurance & Paid Family Leave
- Spanish – Guía del trabajador indocumentado para solicitar el Seguro de Incapacidad y Permiso Familiar Pagado en California
- Chinese – 无证工人申请加州残疾保险和带薪家事假指南
- National Immigration Law Center and National Employment Law Project:
- National Immigration Law Center
- Public Counsel:
- Training – Non-profit and small businesses: Know Your Rights, Interactions with Immigration Enforcement
- Guide for Employers // Guía para Empleadores
- Guidance for Nonprofits // Guía para Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro
- Guide for Healthcare Facilities // Guía para Centros de Atención Médica
- Guide for Early Childhood Programs // Guía para Programas de Educación Temprana
- Work Authorization FAQ for Employers // Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Autorización de Trabajo para Empleadores
- Sample Data Retention Policy // Ejemplo de Política de Retención de Datos
- USCIS Handbook for Employers // Manual del USCIS para Empleadores
- Information on Judicial Warrants vs Administrative Warrants // Información sobre Órdenes Judiciales y Órdenes Administrativas
- ICE Detainee Locator System // Sistema de Localización de Detenidos por ICE
K-12 schools
- Public Counsel:
- California Office of the Attorney General:
- California DOJ:
- Children Thrive Action Network:
- UnidosUS:
Public benefits
- National WIC Association: Information on WIC and public charge
- Keep Your Benefits California
Care and Trauma Support
- United We Dream: Developing Psychotherapy Strategies to Foster Resilience and Prevent Trauma Among Immigrants
- Immigrants Rising: Wellness Support Groups
- Informed Immigrant: Mental Health for Immigrants: Taking Care of Yourself & Loved Ones
Urgent Support Related toCustoms and Border Patrol (CBP) or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Activity